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BOLD Event: Conversation with Dr. Peg Dawn, author of "Smart But Scattered"

How to improve executive skills without the frustration

Executive skills are critical to the acquisition of academic skills, but, more importantly, they are the skills students need to get things done. They are brain-based skills such as task initiation, sustained attention, working memory, planning, organization, and goal-directed persistence that are absolutely critical to school success. Some students seem to acquire them naturally, but many students struggle with them. 

Dr. Peg Dawson, co-author of the books Smart but Scattered and Smart but Scattered Teens, will describe how these skills develop throughout childhood and suggest strategies parents can use to help children acquire the critical skills they need to be successful students.

Date: 17 Oct

Time: 7pm

Location ZOOM- link will be provided to those who sign up

Sign up link here:

October 17

Fourth Grade Fall Social

October 18

Registration Deadline for 11/2 SAT