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You Are Special to Me Day!
A unique experience for our First Graders & a special someone
on the morning of Friday, May 12th
Each First Grader is invited to ask a grandparent or any adult who is special to them (think neighbor, family friend, aunt, uncle, cousin, or how about mom or dad?) to join them for "class"! More details to come.
Please note, this is an event that will be under an hour's time for each class; no need to have someone travel from far & wide (unless they're already coming for Mother's Day!). Also, if a guest is not available, teachers & parents will be on hand to accompany any student.
Interested in helping out? We'd love for at least two parents from each class to volunteer. Please email Whitney Utell, First Grade Chair, if interested at
You Are Special to Me Day is brought to you by Ms. Adams, the First Grade teachers, & the Elementary School Council.